You have a federally protected right to join a union and strive alongside colleagues for a fair, safe and equitable workplace. This law protects wearing union buttons, shirts or stickers on the job, signing petitions and asking other employees to support the union. It means you can’t be fired or otherwise retaliated against for participating in union activities or refusing to do work you feel is dangerous.

Below are some of the rights you should know about. You should bookmark or download the full contract.

You have a right to union representation at investigatory or disciplinary meetings with management.

Weingarten Rights (named for a 1975 Supreme Court case) allow employees to request the presence of a steward at any meeting that could result in disciplinary measures. The steward can act as a witness, take notes and offer advice. We encourage employees to reach out to the union even if they are unsure whether a meeting qualifies.

You have a right to comp time, overtime and holiday pay.

Most employees who earn less than $1,200 per week ($62,400 per year) are entitled to overtime pay whenever they work holidays or more than 40 hours in a week. Staffers who work evenings and overnights are also entitled to extra pay or comp time.

People who don’t qualify for overtime are entitled to comp time for days they work outside their normal schedules.

You have a right to paid sick leave.

Most employees earn up to 12 paid sick days per year for a mental or physical illness or doctor’s appointments. You are not obligated to provide a provider’s note if your absense is fewer than five (5) days. Your boss cannot require you to “make up” hours of work missed while you are on sick leave. Nor can they hold your sick leave against you — for example, denying a pay raise because of an absence for a medical treatment.

You have a right to object to unfair treatment.

If you feel you have been subject to unfair discipline or a contract violation — such as denial of overtime pay — you have 30 calendar days to file a grievance through the union. (So please contact our union reps as soon as possible!) The union will present the company with a written notice and arrange for a meeting at which you and union representatives can discuss the issue with management. These meetings can force the company to reverse disciplinary actions or make reparations for unfair treatment. Contact our union reps to file a grievance.

You have the right to fair and equal treatment.

If you believe you are being discriminated against based on regardless of race, sex, disability, religious affiliation or other protected status, please contact the union. In cases where groups of people are subject to discrimination — say, sections in which employees of color are consistently underpaid — the union can organize a grievance on the entire group’s behalf. Remember that strength comes from solidarity and numbers; our greatest power to make TA a better, fairer workplace is in our capacity to act as a group.

This section is adapted from the Washington Post Guild’s excellent contract overview.